I Said I Would Never Do Yoga. Ever.

Jon Fischer


I was wrong. Here’s 4 reasons why trying hot yoga changed my mind.

I’m in my forties and about as flexible as a concrete brick. I don’t like group workouts. I hate humidity. Stretching is something I routinely skip.

And then I ended up in the hospital for four days when my back went out. Diagnosis: “You are as flexible as a concrete brick and your back muscles basically paid you back for 40+ years of neglect.”

Fast forward a few months. Many weeks of chiropractor visits and physical therapy. Something needed to change.

The look on my spouse’s face was almost disbelief when I said I was going to try hot yoga. You have to understand. For as long as I can remember, I made fun of people doing yoga. I was a rabid anti-yogite.

But severe pain has a way of making you reevaluate.

So, with some hesitation (okay, extreme hesitation) and embarrassment, I found myself at the hot yoga studio.

I was a fish out of water. Anyone who knew me well wouldn’t even believe that I was doing this. They’d be more likely to believe I robbed a bank. I took a picture just to have proof.

Then I entered the 104 degree room with a bunch of limber people. It was like I was choosing of my own will to enter into my personal Hades.



Jon Fischer

Development executive and fiction weiter. Author of the Second Moon Trilogy - more at www.secondmoontrilogy.com